
  • 搞笑段子
  • 2024年12月26日
  • 昨天,在微信上和女友聊天,结果被老板发现了。 老板办公室,老板满脸奸笑:“准备接受处罚吧。”我无言,谁让自己撞到枪口上! “这么着”,老板翘起二郎腿说:“我给你提供几个处罚方案,你自己选择接受什么样的处罚吧。” 我小心翼翼地说:“您说。”反正估计哪一个都会让我死得很难看。 “既然你是在微信上和女友聊天,那我们的处罚也就和微信、女友有关了。”我想:不会是老板请我和微信上的女友吃饭吧?想什么好事呢











” “What is the question?” I suddenly felt a glimmer of hope, everyone knew that Li was my secret admirer, she was a beauty, let alone ask her one question, I would be happy to talk to her all night! "You just say: Li, can you please be more beautiful?" This time it's not about money or status but about looks! The ultimate test!

"第三”,old man started to feel superior and smug. "This one is easier," he said with a smirk. "When there are three or more beauties passing by the company entrance, you must excitedly shout: Beauties! I am now castrated!" ouch! That hurts!

"Can't we come up with something else?" I asked.

"I've thought of three options," old man replied confidently. "Choose one from them."

"I'll choose... um..." My voice trailed off as I hesitated.

"Don't rush," old man encouraged me patiently.

"You want me to give you the list of girls in my WeChat contacts?" My heart sank at the suggestion.

"Yes!" Old Man jumped up from his seat in excitement. "That's what we're looking for!"

"Oh no!" faint
