
  • 搞笑段子
  • 2025年03月03日
  • 最近在一起直播签售会上,跟粉丝聊天的时候“切小屏”,所谓的切小屏实际上是一种很不尊重的人表现,本来粉丝在跟你聊天,你切小屏去干别的去了。这次事件被称为“吴海媛一秒变脸事件”。对此网友表示:“吴海媛塌房了吧,我还挺喜欢她的长相的[汗]粉丝签售会竟然切小屏,还有那个雪允也是你们就这么不想看到粉丝的脸吗?”对于该事件,吴海媛粉丝后援会很快给出回应如下: 1、所谓的切小窗视频三段均只截取了不到10秒





p2点击前屏幕下方无图标,出现图标后才点击了screen3, 点击screen是为了去除遮挡,而不是切small screen.

3、第二个video hand向外伸是在调音量,并非cut small screen

4、因为signing small screen in the upper side of the phone so, to clear the icons on the video that are blocking it, Wuhaiven moved her hand to click on the bottom part of the screen. After Wuhaiven clicked on the screen, she looked at what was below it because after clicking on the screen and with icons disappearing from below.

Fans say: Haewon has always been very thoughtful towards fans since debut. She took fan requests and questions seriously during signings and even sang multiple songs for them as if they were a personal concert. When eating lunch she tried her best to speak Chinese clearly. Almost every video ends with "I love you." Fans don't ask everyone to like her but hope each person can judge this situation fairly.

The only evidence that could prove whether or not this incident occurred is security footage from that day but unfortunately there isn't any available footage or if there is then it cannot be accessed easily thus we can only rely on indirect evidence to determine who's version of events is more believable.

Firstly fans have shown real life situations at signing events through their own cameras demonstrating what they claim was really happening while interacting with fans; they also showed off how much effort went into communicating effectively in Chinese; these actions show no sign of disrespect towards fans' faces

Secondly Yujiaoxiang representing JYP trainees started spreading rumors about all trainees initially but when some videos were discovered by international netizens showing negative behavior by Yujiaoxiang itself which sparked discontent among many people - deleted those videos except for two specific ones involving HaeWON and Xueyuan (Xueyuan had less popularity than HaeWON) preparing for an attack strategy; using deleting comments, selecting comments, organizing water army reports etc., reducing content ratio in clearing up information; starting out claiming "representing all victims speaking" yet refusing answers when asked about other 'victims', even blacklisting questioners once accused correctly hitting its weak points; ignoring suggestions from inside sources regarding improvement

Above phenomena proves Yujiaoxiang's guiltiness beyond doubt

In conclusion based upon presented evidence & performance given by NSWER I believe such incidents occurring are extremely unlikely due solely to malicious hype creation

