
  • 搞笑段子
  • 2025年03月11日
  • 《一条狗的回家路》电影免费观看:深爱跨越距离的温馨旅程 简介:深爱是距离无法阻隔的羁绊,再远的路程也不能阻挡一条狗为爱回家的信念。由美国哥伦比亚影业公司出品的好莱坞催泪冒险巨制《一条狗的回家路》今日发布“寻dog启示”版预告。公告板上的寻dog启事一闪而过,丢失爱犬的卢卡斯一家连声呼唤着贝拉的名字,而600多公里之外的贝拉也同样在艰难找寻回家的方向。寻dog启事从鲜明到泛黄,贝拉找寻主人




据悉,电影将于1月18日全国上映。"寻dog启示"预告曝催泪炸弹 声声呼唤为爱找寻回家希望

公告板上的seeking dog启事从鲜艳褪色至泛黄,丢失爱犬的一家不断find seeking dog,并声声呼唤贝拉名字焦急与难过,让屏幕之外的人也深感揪心。而此时,beagle却身处离家的600多公里远方,在车流中惊恐地徘徊疲惫穿梭在落基山脉之中,如幼儿般迷茫害怕地低声呜咽着试图找到正确方向。

"妈妈需要我,卢卡斯需要我。”这是beagle艰难返回中的支撑其前行坚定心声。在预告中,当看到小小beagle时妈妈惊喜表情,卢卡斯和beagle在雪地里像孩子一样疯闹玩耍,就像网友所言:“与其说是dog需要我们,其实是我们更需要dog’s company。”


Beagles for love cross mountains and valleys. Home is the only destination for a wanderer.

Beagles’ return journey was not easy but it also met many kind humans. In the cold winter, a homeless man held beagles close to warm him; in the car, a man guessed beagles name correctly and made it happy because that was its name given by owner Lucas; at night campfire side, someone called Lucas on phone for beagles and made it excited to “lose control”, constantly scratching at the phone as if it could immediately pull owner from phone into front of them.

During wandering process, Beagles encountered many people as warm as Lucas who had opportunities not to wander anymore but still decided with determination to continue their adventurous journey back home. Because thought of owners "like an invisible rope", pulling them along with paws smaller than half human palm walking across half America only to find direction home.

The movie "One Dog's Journey" is introduced by China Film Group Corporation, released by Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., dubbed by Longteng Group Translation Production Co., Ltd., produced by Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., co-invested by Bona Film Group Corp., directed by Charles Martin Smith, starring Ashley Judd, Jonah Hauer-King and Alexandra Shipp et al., voiced in English version by Bryce Dallas Howard and in Chinese version voiced by Ho Yasin. The film will be released on January 18th in China.

