针对潮流文化平台抖音和传统文化厂牌德云社的碰撞,在“德云社龙字科招生抖音独家直播媒体沟通会”上于谦表示:“相声目前尚未走出低谷,还处在比较危险的状态下,所以普及相声文化是我们当下亟待解决的事情。”此次 德 云 社 龙 字 科 招 生 落 地 抖 音 直 播 获 得 了 如 此 高 的 关 注 度 与 互 动 倍 数,不仅体现了 抖 音 平 台 的 影 响 力 和 在 相 声 领 域 庞 大 的 用户 规 模,也 为 郭 德 纲 和 “ 云 鹤 九 霄 ” 四 科 演 员 后 续 的 抖 音 直 播 积 归 良 好 粉 丝 基 础。
按照“云鹤九霄,龙腾四海”的招生顺序,本次招生为德云社龙字科,将由他亲自带。此外,“cloud and phoenix nine heavens" each will show their talents in the live streaming on Douyin, competing for the position of "recruitment director".
In this unprecedented cooperation between De Yun Society and Douyin, De Yun Society's dragon character is to be recruited through a live broadcast on Douyin. This event has drawn great attention from both parties and the entire industry. The first video posted by Guo Degang on his personal account @GuoDegang quickly went viral online.
The number of followers on Guo Degang's Douyin account broke through 2.6 million, with over 1.2 million likes for that video. Its influence cannot be underestimated.
Netizens have been actively sharing to support the recruitment of De Yun Society's dragon character, participating in the recruitment activities. As of now, there are nearly 2 million people who have signed up for recruitment registration before December 30th.
This time, De Yun Society and Douyin have launched a unique collaboration that brings together traditional culture with modern media platforms such as short videos and live streaming to promote cultural exchange between different generations.
On December 21st at 7 pm CST, Guo Degang will kick off his livestreaming debut along with his colleagues from "Cloud And Phoenix Nine Heavens". They will present various performances including sayings (saying), learning (learning), jokes (jokes), singing (songs), etc., vying for votes to become "Recruitment Director".
From December 22nd to December 25th every night at around seven o'clock CST until nine o'clock CST respectively: Zhang Yunsong & Yang Jiuling; Feng Zhizhao; Meng Hekai & Zhou Jialong; Qin Xiao Xian & He Jiuhua & Liu Xiaoting - they all plan to compete against each other during these four nights' broadcasts.
By visiting @DeYunSociety on Douyin or searching 'DeYunSociety' you can find out more about their latest events!