
  • 经典笑话
  • 2024年12月21日
  • 在法庭上,法官对被告说:“你对律师为你做的辩护,还有什么要说的吗?” 被告微微一笑,然后开始了他的独特回答:“我想提请您注意这一事实,”他说,“我的律师年纪太轻,法官先生。” 这个简单的句子却让整个法庭陷入了一片沉默。其他审判员和书记员都屏息凝视着他们面前的人物,这个人似乎并不害怕法律的严厉,也不畏惧即将到来的判决。 “您的意思是,您觉得您的律师经验不足吗?” 法官好奇地追问道


在法庭上,法官对被告说:“你对律师为你做的辩护,还有什么要说的吗?” 被告微微一笑,然后开始了他的独特回答:“我想提请您注意这一事实,”他说,“我的律师年纪太轻,法官先生。”


“您的意思是,您觉得您的律师经验不足吗?” 法官好奇地追问道。他想要了解这位被告为什么会有这样的看法,同时也希望通过这个问题来揭开这起案件背后的真相。

“我没有那么说。” 被告微笑着摇了摇头,“只是,我觉得如果我的律师再大一点,他可能会更懂得如何处理这种情况。” 他停顿了一下,然后继续说道,“毕竟年龄总是给人一种权威感,对吧?”

courtroom erupted into laughter. Even the stern-faced judge couldn't help but crack a smile. The tension in the room dissipated, replaced by a sense of relief and amusement.

As the laughter died down, the judge cleared his throat and said, "Well, I think we've heard enough for today. You're free to go...for now." He winked at the defendant, who grinned back at him.

The courtroom erupted into applause as the defendant stood up and stretched his arms above his head. He had won over not just the judge but also the entire court with his quick wit and humor.

As he left the courtroom, he turned back to wave at everyone one last time. The judge nodded in approval, impressed by this young man's ability to turn even the most serious of situations into something lighthearted.

And so another day came to an end in that small town courthouse. But it was a day that would be remembered for years to come thanks to one thousand laugh-out-loud jokes shared between strangers in search of justice.

Lawyers take note: sometimes all it takes is a little bit of humor and humility to make your clients stand out from the crowd – or should we say – make them stand tall on their own two feet!
