小乐的爸爸是一位对王者荣耀情有独钟的游戏爱好者,他虽然时常沉迷其中,但始终未能突破钻石级别。有一日,他惊讶地发现小乐正坐在他的手机前玩起了这款游戏:大声呵斥道:“那小子,怎么还在玩我的手机?赶紧去写作业!” dads face turned red with anger as he stormed towards the scene, only to find his son engrossed in a game of king's glory on his phone. "Dad, I'm really good at this," little le said with a grin. "I can help you become a king!" dad's expression softened slightly as he replied, "A little bit of entertainment is fine." after two rounds, however, dad was dismayed to see that his rating had plummeted by two stars. He scolded harshly: "You're not as skilled as you claimed! Go do your homework!" Little le explained apologetically: "Dad, it wasn't my fault. My teammates were terrible and kept getting me killed!" By the time dad checked again in the afternoon, little le was nowhere to be found – but there was an ominous note on the desk: 'i've gone out for some fresh air.' As dad opened up king's glory once more and saw that his ranking had fallen all the way down to bronze level , he couldn't help but shake his head and mutter under his breath: "Those kids are something else..."