小乐的爸爸对王者荣耀有着浓厚的兴趣,但他始终未能冲破钻石段位的天花板。有一日,他惊讶地发现自己的手机正被小乐热情地操控:“喂,小鬼,你在玩我的手机啊?赶紧写完作业去!” dads face fell as he approached, only to find his son engrossed in a game of King's Glory on his phone. "Dad, I'm really good at this! Let me help you become the king!" The father's scowl softened slightly as he replied, "A little entertainment is okay." After two matches, however, dad was furious to see that he had lost two stars: "You said you were good? Go write your homework!" Little Le explained that their teammates had been uncooperative and caused him to die repeatedly. Dad trusted that everything would be alright and left for his own tasks. In the afternoon, he eagerly returned to check on his son but found the room empty except for a charging phone. Opening the game app, dad was about to blow a gasket - not only hadn't they reached king status together, but they'd actually fallen back down to bronze rank. He sighed heavily: "It seems it's kids who are really good at playing tricks!"