
  • 经典笑话
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 小乐的爸爸是一位对王者荣耀情有独钟的游戏爱好者,他虽然经常沉迷其中,但始终停留在钻石级别。有一天,他偶然发现小乐正坐在他的手机旁玩着王者荣耀,立即大声斥责:“你这个恶童,又在玩我的手机?赶紧去写作业!” dads face turned red with anger as he approached the scene, only to find out that his son was


小乐的爸爸是一位对王者荣耀情有独钟的游戏爱好者,他虽然经常沉迷其中,但始终停留在钻石级别。有一天,他偶然发现小乐正坐在他的手机旁玩着王者荣耀,立即大声斥责:“你这个恶童,又在玩我的手机?赶紧去写作业!” dads face turned red with anger as he approached the scene, only to find out that his son was indeed playing his favorite game. Little did he know that his son had a secret talent for the game. "Dad, I'm really good at this," said little boy confidently. "Let me help you climb to the top rank!" The father was taken aback by his son's bold claim and decided to let him try.

The two of them played together, but before long, the father found himself losing two stars in just a couple of matches. His anger boiled over as he scolded his son: "You're not as good as you think you are! Go write your homework!" But little boy persisted: "Dad, it's not my fault! My teammates were terrible and didn't protect me at all." Feeling somewhat appeased, the father left to attend to other matters.

Later that afternoon, he returned to check on his son's progress and was shocked to find that not only had they made no progress towards becoming champions but had actually fallen back down into bronze tier. He sighed heavily and realized: "Ah yes, it seems like kids these days can be quite tricky!"
