1、我去买水,老板说两块钱,我指着标签上的价格反驳:“ Bottle says it's 1.5 yuan, why not follow the advice?” 老板冷静地回应:“I won't accept his suggestion.”
2、外出游玩时,我在烤鱿鱼店排队。前面有位挑剔的女顾客,她要求换大串鱿鱼,态度尖酸刻薄。老板没看她一眼,只默默烤了两串小鱿鱼,然后递给我说:“These are smaller ones, just for you since you paid more.” 我喜欢这种不直接怼人的做法。
3、老板宣布袜子特惠,三块钱一双。我却提出更便宜的建议:“How about ten yuan for three pairs?” 老板苦笑道,“They're not even selling well enough to be discounted like that.”
4、员工请求加薪并威胁辞职。老板反问,“Wouldn't it be better if I gave you a raise and you quit instead?”
5、一位顾客赞扬我的生意兴隆,说赚得好快。我回答,“It's actually only ten thousand yuan a day...” 顾客惊讶地表示,这可真是开个面馆赚钱容易啊。但我立即补上一个条件,“But only ten bowls sold...” 这让他明白了什么是真正的“来钱”。