
  • 经典笑话
  • 2025年01月10日
  • 1、我去买水,老板说两块钱,我指着标签上的价格反驳:“ Bottle says it's just 1.5 bucks!” 老板冷笑:“I won't follow his advice.” 2、外出游玩时,我排在一个挑剔的女顾客后面,她对烤鱿鱼店主说:“Give me a bigger one, this is too small!” 老板一言不发,却给了我两串小的,说


1、我去买水,老板说两块钱,我指着标签上的价格反驳:“ Bottle says it's just 1.5 bucks!” 老板冷笑:“I won't follow his advice.”

2、外出游玩时,我排在一个挑剔的女顾客后面,她对烤鱿鱼店主说:“Give me a bigger one, this is too small!” 老板一言不发,却给了我两串小的,说:“These are smaller, so here you go.”

3、老板推销袜子,说便宜三块。我提出更优惠的价位,“How about ten for thirty?” 老板回答进货困难,“They don't come in cheaply enough to sell at that price.”

4、员工请求加薪,威胁辞职。老板回应,“Fine, I'll give you a raise and you can quit.”

5、一位顾客赞美生意兴隆,老板却挫败地回答:“Not really, we only made ten thousand today...” 顾客惊讶地问:“Ten thousand? That's impressive for running a noodle shop!” 老板火冒三丈地说:“Impressive? It's more like ten bowls of noodles sold all day long! Got it?”
