
  • 冷笑话
  • 2024年11月30日
  • 在这个充满智慧和乐趣的世界里,脑筋急转弯成为了人们喜爱的一种娱乐方式。它们能够考验我们的逻辑思维能力,同时也能带给我们无尽的快乐。以下是一百个精选的脑筋急转弯及答案,让你可以随时拿出手机或者笔记本,与朋友们一起享受这个智力游戏。 一、时间与速度 一辆火车从北京开往上海,一路上没有停留,只经过了一个站点,那么这个站点是什么? 答案:北京。 如果把所有时间都加倍,会发生什么? 答案:时间变得正常。









3. 请问,在哪些地方,你既不能看到,也不能闻到?


4. 你有三根筷子放在桌上,但总是吃不到最后一根。你为什么要这样做?



5. 为什么咖啡机老板说他的机器很聪明?


6. 有人问我:“如果有一天,你突然失去了你的眼睛,我会怎么办?”我回答说:“我不会失望。”




7. 如果你有100元钱,要分成10份,每份必须完全相同,而且每次只能取整数,不允许使用零头币,那么如何分配最有效率呢?


8. 如何用一只手指按下键盘上的A键而不触摸任何其他键?



9. 在没有电脑的情况下,如何快速地排序字母表中的单词?

答案: 按照字母表顺序排列就可以了,因为这是一个固定规则,不需要计算或比较数字信息。

10."How do you make a tissue dance?"

"You put a little boogie in it."

11."What has keys but can't open locks?

A piano."


12."Why did the cat join a band?

Because it wanted to be the purr-cussionist."

13."What do you call a group of cows playing instruments?

A moo-sical band."


14."Why are mathematicians so good at chess?

Because they're used to thinking several moves ahead."

15."What is the smallest number that can be divided by all numbers from 1 to 20 without leaving any remainder?

The answer is zero because none of these numbers divide into zero.


16"What has four fingers and two thumbs, but isn't alive?

Answer: A glove.

17"How does the Earth say hello?

Answer: It wobbles!"


18"Can you name something that begins with 'e' and ends with 'e' but only contains one letter?

19"Why did the physicist break up with his girlfriend?

20"Why don't scientists trust atoms?

21"What starts with an E, ends with an E, but only contains one letter?

22"What has a head, a tail, is brown and does not move?

23"If you have three apples and you eat one each day for seven days what will you have on the eighth day?

24"The answer is nothing.

25.The question was wrong.

26"Which side of your brain do people use when they are asleep?

27"What word in English is always pronounced incorrectly?

28"Who invented scissors?\

29"I'm reading Romeo and Juliet again.

30"A friend asked me why I keep re-reading Shakespeare's works.\

31"You know what's weird about words?

32"When we read them out loud,\

33"The first thing we see doesn't sound like anything.\

34"But then comes along this series of sounds,\

35"That eventually forms into this completely different word.\

36"It's like our brains are constantly tricking us!"

37"You know how some things just seem impossible until someone makes them possible?"

38"Well," said my grandmother as she finished knitting her hundredth scarf,"I've been trying for years."

39"You must be really determined!" I exclaimed.

40"No," she replied simply,"it's just that I never learned how to give up."

41.A man walked into a library and asked the librarian,\

42"How do I find information on Pavlov's dogs?"

43.The librarian replied,\

44"We don't catalog by subject here; we catalog by author."

45.so he looked under P for Pavlov.

46.A woman walks into a bar alone\

47.and orders drinks for herself\

48.and her horse.

49.The bartender looks at her\


51.'Is your horse going to drink too?'

52.'Oh,' says the woman,'my horse doesn't drink.'

53.'Then why did you order drinks for him?' asks the bartender.

54.'Because,' replies the woman,'he likes watching me drink!'
