2、和闺蜜出去旅游,累了在树下休息。突然几滴鸟屎滴到我脸上了,我还没反应过来,闺蜜就拿手帮我抹匀,边说,你的防晒霜没摸匀呢......3、我对网上认识的一个妹子说:“在在在喜喜欢的人人人的面面前,我说说话会结结巴”她回:“你装B啊,聊QQ而已,你键盘也会结巴?”4、今天早上同事跑我旁边一个劲的说今天吃了两个茶叶蛋。卧槽你这不是表明跑来炫富的么?我回了一句我有八百万。然后,他说:I see that, this picture taken with pixel is quite clear!5、跟同事上厕所,上完I first come out to wash my hands. Later he also comes out to wash, I tease him and say: "Are you afraid of urine?" He looks at me in terror: "Damn it, you!"6、一哥儿们对一女神说:“生日晚会上你最漂亮!”“谢谢! I am also very careful!” The goddess is very proud. Brother says: “So, are all the guests carefully selected by you?” 1、一哥儿们对一女神说:“生日晚会上你最漂亮!”“谢谢! I am also very careful!” The goddess is very proud. Brother says: “So, are all the guests carefully selected by you?”