

1、我去买水,老板说两块钱,我指着标签上的价格反驳:“ Bottle says it's just 1.5 bucks!” 老板冷笑:“I won't follow his advice.”

2、外出游玩时,我排在一个挑剔的女顾客后面,她对烤鱿鱼店员说:“Give me a bigger one, this is too small!” 老板没看她一眼,只给了我两串小的,说“These are smaller, so they're for you.”

3、老板宣布袜子打八折,每双三块。我回他,“Make them even cheaper, ten yuan for three pairs!” 他回答,“They can't be sold at that price…”

4、员工要求加薪否则辞职,老板反问,“How about this? I give you a raise and you quit?”

5、一位顾客看到生意兴隆,对老板说,“You're doing well with your business! Making ten thousand a day.” 老板却不高兴地回答,“Making money? It's all in the soup bowls…ten bowls…you got it?”
