


在山西省晋城,一则关于山西黑社会老大的新闻 recently shook the internet. According to the report, when criminal mastermind 程幼泽 (also known as 程三), was released from prison, a surprising scene unfolded outside the prison gates. Over 100 individuals who were deemed "socially undesirable" by local authorities gathered to welcome their leader's return. They stood in neat rows, dressed in black attire and waited patiently for their boss's arrival.

As soon as 程幼泽 emerged from the prison, his followers erupted into cheers and applause. They even lit firecrackers to celebrate their leader's homecoming. The welcoming committee didn't stop there; they had arranged for over 120 vehicles – including luxury brands like Hummer, Land Rover, and Mercedes-Benz – to line up at the entrance of the prison.

The atmosphere was reminiscent of a movie scene rather than real life but it is indeed true that this event took place in Shanxi province. The local police department received several complaints about noise pollution and disorderly conduct during the celebration. As a result, they promptly arrested Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager

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